My Father La Opulencia - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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تاجر السيجار الفاخر في جميع أنحاء العالم منذ عام 1978

أبي لا أوبولنسيا

Incarnant la richesse et l’abondance, les cigares My Father La Opulencia sont la quintessence de l’excellence en matière de tabac, offerts par la célèbre famille Garcia. Ces cigares de force moyenne à pleine, élaborés au Nicaragua, se distinguent par un mélange complexe de sous-capes de Criollo et Corojo et une tripe composée de Corojo, Criollo et Habano. Enveloppés dans une opulente cape Mexico Rosado Oscuro, ils arborent des saveurs et des arômes parfaitement équilibrés. Disponibles en six formats, ces pièces sont conditionnées en boîtes de 20, avec un design raffiné rendant hommage à l’art créé en 1897. Alliant respect des méthodes traditionnelles et nouvelles techniques d’assemblage, La Opulencia est un joyau qui améliore l’expérience des aficionados et enrichit la culture mondiale des cigares.

شاهد المزيد انظر أقل

أبي لا أوبولنسيا


Introduction to My Father La Opulencia Cigars

Distinguished by its opulent name, My Father La Opulencia offers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience crafted by the renowned Garcia family. This premium line illustrates the Garcia family’s dedication to producing quality cigars, utilizing tobacco grown on their own farms in Nicaragua.

Origin and Tobacco Blend

My Father La Opulencia cigars feature a diverse blend of tobaccos. The binder consists of a blend of Criollo and Corojo leaves, and the filler is an intricate mix of Corojo, Criollo, and Habano tobacco, all harvested from the Garcia family’s farms like El Pedrero, Las Lometas, and La Bonita. Capping these is a Mexican Rosado Oscuro wrapper, which imparts a rich complexion to the cigar.

التصميم والعرض

My Father La Opulencia boasts a visually striking packaging. Each box contains 20 cigars, with the design honoring a 1897 artwork reimagined to resonate with the « La Opulencia » name. The brand continues its traditional approach but elevates it with historical artistry that connects to its lineage.

Construction and Sizes

The construction of the cigar is impressive, with six sizes available to cater to varied preferences. From robust to longer formats, the rolling of each piece is done with a high level of craftsmanship expected from My Father Cigars, ensuring consistency and an impeccable draw.

Flavor Profile and Complexity

La Opulencia’s flavor profile is characterized by a harmonious balance of aroma and taste. The Nicaraguan tobaccos give it depth and complexity, while the Mexican wrapper adds a unique chocolatey sweetness that is apparent throughout the smoke. The combination results in distinct notes that appeal to both novices and aficionados.

التقاليد تلتقي مع الابتكار

The My Father La Opulencia line reflects a deep respect for cigar-making tradition, while also incorporating innovative blending techniques. This allows for a smoking experience that pays homage to the past yet contains elements that are distinctly contemporary.

Global Influence of Cigar Categories

The evolution of cigar categories like La Opulencia showcases the impact they’ve had on the culture of cigar smoking worldwide. These cigars not only provide an indulgent experience but also contribute to the global appreciation of the craftsmanship and heritage involved in cigar making.


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